Friday, August 28, 2009

Early Bird

Every now and then, I have "one of those weeks". The weeks when Bug wants to nurse ALL THE TIME (and I'm still using my lanolin religiously). And when Bug refuses to go to sleep until a ridiculous hour, even though I nurse him for hours on end and I know he is completely pooped. AND when Bug wakes up at the crack of dawn, even though we have been up numerous times nursing that night, after going to sleep insanely late.

I am a total grump in the morning. Actually, I'm a total grump whenever I should be sleeping and I'm not. And you have to be a brave soul to disturb my sleep. Oh yeah, I made exceptions when Bug was a baby and needed me to wake up at night with him. But, Bug is a toddler now. He shouldn't be nursing five times a night! And if he wants to nurse five times a night....he shouldn't get me out of bed before the sun is up! Especially if he is waking me up by screaming and whining and crying...and then giggling like a maniac as soon as I look at him. The giggling is probably the only thing that keeps me from pulling my hair out, because it is just too darn cute.

I'm sleeping in tomorrow.


Sara, Nick, and kids said...

lol yeah at least tomorrow is saturday!! andrew has slept through the night twice- ever- and they happened to be in the same week. this was like 3 weeks ago.

S. Chaffee said...

I hear ya hon! I'm super grouchy if I don't get my 'beauty rest' either. Hopefully you'll get to sleep in tomorrow!

* said...

The giggling is good. It's what keeps us nursing mamas nursing our babies and toddlers. Remember the giggling next time the grumps hit. And that our nursing kids grow up **way** too fast. (sigh)

Rachel Sue said...

Good luck with that one. I don't do well without sleep. I'm feeling your pain . . .